We are sorry to hear that you have experienced the trauma of a burglary. You'll need to contact your insurance company immediately and they’ll ask you to get a jeweller to accurately assess the value of you claim.
ROX offers a free consultation to assess the value of your claim and we can prepare estimates for insurance replacement, including photographs, pre-loss valuations, damage reports and supporting documentation confirming details and prices of the items lost or damaged.
ROX is authorised by all of the leading insurers to supply replacement items direct to policy holders and we are authorised to accept LMG Gemcheck Vouchers. If your insurance company suggests an alternative jeweller that you are not happy to use or if they suggest a reduced cash settlement, we suggest you refer them to the Financial Ombudsman News, October 2001.
The Financial Ombudsman ruled that policyholders should be allowed to choose where they purchase a replacement and they are entitled to a cash settlement if they cannot find an acceptable alternative. In such circumstances, the Financial Ombudsman regards it unreasonable for the insurer to make a deduction from the cash settlement to represent the discount it would have got if the policyholder had bought the replacement from one of the insurer’s nominated suppliers.